news |
Elsevier promotes local research efforts in Pakistan
through “Quiz for Science”
Initial phase runs from 4 July to 31 October
Islamabad, 04 July 2013 – Elsevier, a world-leading provider of scientific, technical and medical information products and services recently announced the launch of Quiz for Science series for 30 leading universities and institutions in Pakistan to promote and recognize local research efforts from the country.
Quiz for Science is a scientific quiz based on content and information available through ScienceDirect, an industry leading full-text scientific database provided under the digital library programme of Higher Education Commission(HEC) that is accessible by 30 leading universities and institutions in Pakistan. Every student, researcher and faculty member of these universities and institutions qualify for Quiz for Science. ()
“Elsevier is committed to promoting scientific excellence around the world and Quiz for Science is a step in that direction specially to highlight the efforts of the research community in Pakistan,” said Saurabh Sharma, Elsevier’s Regional Director for its Science & Technology division in South Asia. “I’m confident that Quiz for Science will attract an overwhelming level of participation and support from within the community in celebration of research advancement in Pakistan.”
Quiz for Science is designed as an innovative and interactive way for researchers to enhance their scientific knowledge while providing them an opportunity to win exciting prizes.
To participate in the quiz, each applicant has to register at the Quiz for Science website and answer 20 questions in the subject area of their specialization. The majority of the questions contained in the quiz are based on journal articles published by Pakistani researchers over last few years.
The initial phase of the quiz runs from 4 July to 31 October 2013. For more details, please visit www.QuizforScience.com/Pakistan.
Click Here! Call for papers 8th International Conference on Research for the Advancement of University Libraries !
World Bank full text books, working papers, reports are now available! |
Please visit: https://openknowledge.worldbank.org
Upon launch in April 2012, the OKR contains research from thousands of works including:
World Bank published books from 2009-2012 which includes flagship publications, academic books and practitioner volumes;
All World Development Reports (WDRs) since 1978;
Policy Research Working Papers (PRWP) from 2009-2012, a series of papers that disseminate findings of work in progress in order to encourage the exchange of ideas about development issues;
Economic and Sector Work (ESW) studies from 2009-2012, a series of analytical reports prepared by Bank staff. ESWs gather and evaluate information about a country’s economy and/or a specific sector;
Journal articles from 2007-2010 published in World Bank Economic Review (WBER) and World Bank Research Observer (WBRO), two journals published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the World Bank;
Content in languages other than English;
World Bank Group Annual Reports and Independent Evaluation Studies.
The OKR will be updated regularly as new research outputs and knowledge products are released for publication. New content will include:
Content published prior to 2009 (and prior to 2007 in the case of the WBER and the WBRO);
Bank-authored content published by third party publishers including journal articles, books and chapters;
Links to datasets associated with a specific work;
Other knowledge products published by the World Bank
workshop on An Introduction on Publishing with Emerald |
A workshop on publishing
with emerald is going to held on 14-15 december with a joint venture
of NDLP and Emerald pblishing group. The main content are the author
guide for publishing with emerald, the awards for the institutes that
publishes most with this platform and resource training for best usage.
The main agenda for
the first Day - 14th of December is:
• Author Workshop
• Recognition
and Award for the institute with highest publications within emerald
Agenda for the second
Day – 15th of December is:
• Emerald Platform
Training through Video-Conferencing for the institutes situated
outside Capital
The workshop is quite
enriching in its content as the participants will gain a direct advice
from the expert on how to get published with emerald, content training,
improving their publications and in the end publisher’s reward
for the highest publications institute from this platform.
access extended to all Academic Institutes |
ESDU provides validated engineering design data, methods and software
and considered as the source for critical information and insight.
Digital Library has decided to extend the access of ESDU for all
the academic institutes (Public & Private Sector Universities).
Soon your DL webpages will be updated with the ESDU URL.
Bank Data Initiative |
The World Bank is
now allowing access to thousands of its datasets, which should help
academics and practitioners work with the development data that was
restricted to subscribers in the past.
more information click
here |
of Duke University Press
(DUP) & Edinburgh University Press (EUP) |
of 2 Social Sciences resources: |
For detailed information
please click
For detailed information
please click
Training Event for IEEE participating Universities of
Pakistan |
Institution of Electrical &
Electronics Engineers (IEEE) has been offering its top of the line
product, IEEE Xplore to the members of Higher Education Commission
(HEC) since 2005. IEEE has keenly observed this trend among the Pakistani
universities and in an effort to further enhance their excellent professional
collaboration with HEC has offered to train the librarian/Institutional
representative of all HEC consortium members.
For detailed
information please click
here! |
Resources from the HEC - National Digital Library |
Following resources have been unsubscribed
from the Digital Library:
University Press e-Books
- Bentham Science
Mary Ann
- Palgrave Macmillan
- Taylor & Francis eBooks
- Royal Society of Chemistry
- Walter De Gruyter
- American Society of Microbiology
Inquiry Service Centre - (NISC SA)
NRC Research
Press Journals Online
- Oxford University Press Journals
British Library Electronic Delivery
Service |
British Library is
the national library of United Kingdom and one of the world's greatest
libraries. It serves business and industry, researchers, academics
and students, in the UK and world-wide. Over 100 million items have
been supplied to readers all over the world.
Addition of McGraw Hill Collections |
After the successful
trial access of McGraw Hill Collections, HEC - Digital Library has
acquired following Collections for Public/Private Sector Universities
and Non-Profit/Research Oriented Organizations of Pakistan.
Addition of ESDU ! Engineering
Solutions for Academia |
ESDU collection is
based on industry standard tools and software as part of teaching
and research projects. They are also key design elements in many of
the largest engineering industries. ESDU provide validated engineering
design data, methods and software for the engineer.
institutions have been added for the access of ESDU: |
Air University
- Islamabad
of Space Technology, Islamabad
University of Sciences & Technology - Rawalpindi
JSTOR Expansion |
The HEC National
Digital Library Program is continuously expanding the resources on
the basis of demand of our researchers and end users and this expansion
is very much dependent on the research output from the institution
and total number of downloads in a specific year. Based on these key
points recently six new institutions has been added for the access
Aga Khan
University, Karachi
University, Islamabad
University of Management Sciences, Lahore
University of Modern Languages, Islamabad
Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad
Library, Lahore
Taylor & Francis Journals with a different
Access of Taylor
& Francis Journals has been resumed. You are able to access Taylor
& Francis Journals with a different URL.
(Chemical & Engineering News) available free to ACS members |
Chemical & Engineering
News is a weekly magazine published by the American Chemical Society.
C&EN editors and reporters based in Europe, the U.S., and Asia
cover science and technology, business and industry, government and
policy, education, and employment aspects of the chemistry field.
Only ACS (American
Chemical Society) registered institutes can access C&EN.
For further information visit www.cen-online.org
E-Books__Yet Another Enlightening Feature for Researchers |
The HEC Digital Library
always keeps on trying to extend the research boundries for researchers.
This new feature of E-Books will definitely benefit you in your research
work. Well known publishers offers you the additional feature of online
E-Books access.
To get benefit of this offer
go to this link http://digitallibrary.edu.pk/books.html
Subject Collection from Elsevier Science Direct |
Freedom Subject Collection
is available to Elsevier Science Direct customers. It offers the opportunity
to get access to all subject categories for the researchers. Following
universites can access any subject category from ScienceDirect:
University, Islamabad
of the Punjab, Lahore
of Karachi, Karachi
Just click and get
benefit http://www.sciencedirect.com
of Additional Subject Collection from Elsevier Science Direct (January
31, 2007) |
The Higher Education
Commission is periodically reviewing the performance of Institutions
that have been provided with access to the Digital Library Resources.
The aim is to respond to the needs of researchers in Pakistan and
tailor our resource expansion strategy according to demand and research
capacity, and to support institutions where excellent usage has been
We are proud to acknowledge
the enthusiasm shown by your researchers and would like to offer you
a further subject collection from Science Direct in addition to the
existing collections available to you. A complete listing of subject
collections available through Elsevier is attached at Annex A for
reference. The collections to which you already have access have been
highlighted for your convenience. The complete journal listings for
each subject collection may be accessed at: http://www.sciencedirect.com
The HEC looks forward
to providing you with this resource and extends its complete cooperation
to facilitate the awareness and usage of this database. We are confident
that your Institution will maintain a high level of performance and
benefit from this key resource.