Access Journals |
Some Useful
Oxford Journals: |
below you will find a directory of some of the major Open Access collections
available on the web. |
AGRIS is the international
information system for the agricultural sciences and technology. It
was created by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations (FAO) in 1974, to facilitate information exchange and to bring
together world literature dealing with all aspects of agriculture.
OnLine Access) is a bibliographic database of citations to the agricultural
literature created by the National Agricultural Library and its co-operators.
Production of these records in electronic form began in 1970, but
the database covers materials in all formats, including printed works
from the 15th century. Coverage: 1978-present.
Algebraic & Geometric Topology
AGT is a fully refereed
journal covering all of topology, understood broadly. AGT is published
in free electronic format by Geometry and Topology Publications, with
papers appearing a few days after acceptance. AGT is freely available
online to all users.
American Medical Association (AMA)
The American Medical
Association provides ten scientific journals without charge to developing
nations. The titles include The Journal of the American Medical Association
(JAMA); Archives of Dermatology; Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery;
Archives of General Psychiatry; Archives of Internal Medicine; Archives
of Neurology; Archives of Ophthalmology; Archives of Otolaryngology--Head
and Neck Surgery; Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine and
Archives of Surgery.
Analytical Chemistry Web Resources
A compilation of resources
(by Ghirma Moges) useful to support teaching and research in the field
of analytical chemistry, including technical and specialized databases,
encyclopedias and dictionaries, journals, university departments,
organizations, societies, chemical companies and manufacturers, news
sources, and much more. There is also a special section devoted to
'Chemistry in Africa' with links to educational and research materials,
online textbooks, and other tools and resources for students.
Ground-breaking pre-print
server in selected physics, computer science, maths and neuroscience
disciplines. Contains 100,000's articles submitted by members of the
user community. Free access to all papers to all users.
Association for Information Systems
All university libraries in countries
listed in the World Bank's list of high income economies can be granted
free subscriptions to the high-quality electronic
journals Communications of AIS and the Journal
of AIS.
Behavioral and Brain Sciences
Totally open archive
journal where users can submit papers, commentaries, responses and
search the archive for papers in all fields of the Brain/Behavioral
Sciences. Access to all articles is free to all users.
Berkeley Electronic Press (bepress)
The Berkeley Electronic
Press (bepress) makes its current journals freely available to researchers
in the developing world
Best of Science
The Best of Science
is a free-access scientific publication of preprints and peer-reviewed
articles. It is publishing in five major fields split in thousands
of special areas: Exact Sciences, Technologies, Biological Sciences,
Medical Sciences and Human Sciences. Best of Science authors pay for
the publishing process of papers and preprints. Fees are low and especially
adapted to respond to the geographical origins of the authors. Papers
can be published 1 week after reception. Access to the journal is
wholly free.
Biblioteca Virtual de Ciencias Sociales de América Latina y el Caribe
An initiative of the
Latin American Council of Social Sciences (Consejo Latinoamericano
de Ciencias Sociales, CLACSO) providing free access to 1,800 full-text
books, periodical articles, conference proceeding and also to databases
with information about publications, research projects and researchers
working in its network of 130 social science research institutions
in 19 countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.
Compiled by staff at
the Library of Ecology, the National Resource Library of Biological
Sciences at Lund University in Sweden, this is a portal to "our
1,000 best links in the biological sciences." Search, or browse
by 11 broad subject categories in the biological sciences, which are
divided into sub-groups showing the number of links for each.
Bioline International
Bioline International
is a not-for-profit electronic publishing service committed to providing
access to quality research journals published in developing countries.
Explicit goal of reducing the South to North knowledge gap. Publishes
in the following areas: health (tropical medicine, infectious diseases,
epidemiology, emerging new diseases), biodiversity, the environment,
conservation and international development. Features 18 peer-reviewed
journals from Brazil, Cuba, India, Indonesia, Kenya, South Africa,
Uganda, Zimbabwe. Many journals are available free of charge.
BioMed Central
BioMed Central offers online publishing
of articles in all areas of original biomedical research with full
peer review and open access. Submission is online and authors retain
copyright. All original articles are published in one of the BioMed
Central journals (18 in the field of Biology and 52 in the field of
Medicine), as well as being posted without delay on PubMed Central
and indexed in PubMed.
BMJ Journals
Free access to the
electronic version of the British Medical Journal Publishing Group's
28 specialist journals now including Evidence-based journals. These
are freely accessible to anybody in the 100 poorest countries in the
world. Users should follow the standard subscription procedure as
the BMJ subscription system will automatically recognize the origin
of access.
Free to search Abstract
database from the US National Cancer Institute.
Over 550,000 bibliographic
records, including 220,000 full text documents, of interest to people
working in particle physics and related areas. Covers preprints, articles,
books, journals, photographs, and much more.
Chemistry Preprint Server
ChemWeb's chemistry
preprint server is a freely available and permanent Web archive and
distribution medium for scientific research articles in the field
of chemistry. It allows users to submit their articles to the server
where they become accessible to all the members.
CHID - Combined Health Information Database
Bibliographic database
produced by health-related agencies of the US Government. This database
provides titles, abstracts, and availability information for health
information and health education resources. Coverage includes AIDS,
Cancer and Health Promotion & Education. CHID lists a wealth of
health promotion and education materials and program descriptions
that are not indexed elsewhere.
Open access to reports,
books, papers, these and dissertations and symposium proceedings.
Leading electronic
archive for self-archive papers in any area of psychology, neuroscience,
and linguistics, and areas of computer science, philosophy, biology,
the physical, social and mathematical sciences that are pertinent
to the study of cognition.
A free e-mail service
which delivers Elsevier Science book and journal tables of contents
directly to your PC, providing you with the very latest information
on soon-to-be published research. Imprints covered by this service
are Elsevier, Pergamon, North Holland and Excerpta Medica. Registration
to ContentsDirect also entitles you to unlimited free access to Sample
Copies Online using the same username and password.
Developed by Lund
University Libraries and supported by the Information Program of the
Open Society Institute along with SPARC (The Scholarly Publishing
and Academic Resources Coalition. The directory contains information
about 350 open access journals, i.e. quality controlled scientific
and scholarly electronic journals that are freely available on the
web. The service will continue to grow as new journals are identified.
SPARC partner mathematics
journal co-hosted between the University of Beielefeld in Germany
and The University of Urbana in the US. (for more details about SPARC,
please see below). All articles are free to access for all users.
This portal provides
quick access to the best engineering, mathematics, and computing information
sources available on the Internet. Resources were selected, catalogued,
classified and subject-indexed by a team of experts and information
The Abdus Salam ICTP/TWAS
Donation Programme, in collaboration with the ICTP Scientific Computer
Section and ICTP Library, is developing a prototype information retrieval
system called eJDS: eJournals Delivery Service. This is geared to
facilitate the access to current scientific literature for scientists
in institutions in Third World Countries who have low bandwidth internet
facilities. Titles are included from Academic Press, the American
Physical Society, Institute of Physics Publishing and World Scientific.
Electronic Journal
of Biotechnology is an international scientific electronic journal
which publishes papers from all areas related to Biotechnology. Coverage
ranges from molecular biology and the chemistry of biological process
to aquatic and earth environmental aspects, as well as computational
applications, policy and ethical issues directly related to Biotechnology.
EJB operates a policy that permits the widest possible distribution
of information and use, without profit and free of charge by the scientific
and academic community.
Electronic Journals Library
The Electronic Journals
Library is a service offered by the University Library of Regensburg
to facilitate the use of scholarly journals on the Internet. At 1
January 2004 it contained 12,979 titles, among them 1319 online-only
journals, covering all subjects, of which 3358 journals can be read
full-text free-of-charge.
ELSSS - the Electronic Society for Social Scientists
A not-for-profit organization
aimed "at solving the ever deepening crisis in scholarly and
scientific communication created by the pricing policies of some commercial
publishers that have forced libraries in the developed world to cut
their journal portfolios and to slash their book collection and that
have priced developing and transition economies out of the knowledge
loop altogether."
An open access international
and interdisciplinary journal of entropy and information sciences,
publishes peer-refereed reviews, regular research papers and short
notes. Entropy's aim is to encourage scientists to publish as much
as possible their theoretical and experimental details. Entropy follows
the guidelines of the Budapest Open Access Initiative.
An international
health and e-print server organized by The Lancet. Through ERA, The
Lancet is committed to making educational resources accessible to
clinicians in resource-poor countries. This electronic research archive
in international health enables authors to self-archive research relevant
to medicine in the developing world, with subsequent comments on the
research posted alongside.
EPA - Environmental Protection Agency
Access to scientific
information that may be useful in understanding and protecting the
environment including access to research publications and technical
documents, test methods, data, software, models, and other scientific
tools plus access to laboratories, research centres, and other EPA
scientific organizations.
Taking its name from
the fact that it comprises journals that are 'extra' to MEDLINE, ExtraMED
focuses on journals that are largely excluded from the international
indexes. The ExtraMED Consortium of Journals was originally selected
through WHO's various Index Medicus projects. It is thus by far the
largest source of full text biomedical literature from developing
countries. Provides the database to developing country users for free.
The FFTC is an international
information center serving small-scale farmers in the Asian and Pacific
region. Its website and database provides several hundred technical
publications on tropical agriculture, with an emphasis on low-cost
technology for small farms. Materials include books, extension bulletins
and extension leaflets, and articles on major problems facing farmers
in the region. The full text of all publications (in a choice of either
HTML or PDF format) is available free of charge.
The AMEDEOGroup are
now making many important medical textbooks available online, free
and in full-text. At 1 August 2003 650 titles were included in the
service, sorted by specialty and title. FreeBooks4Doctors! also provides
a free alert service as new titles are added.
The Free Medical
Journals Site is dedicated to the promotion of free access to medical
journals over the Internet. At 1 April 2004 it included over 1370
full-text journals sorted by subject , language, and title, as well
as highlight free journals with high impact factors. There is also
a mailing list to alert you as new free journals are added to their
Established in 1988
as a national resource for molecular biology information, NCBI creates
public databases, conducts research in computational biology, develops
software tools for analyzing genome data, and disseminates biomedical
information - all for the better understanding of molecular processes
affecting human health and disease.
Collection of open
access and free journals in a wide range of medical disciplines.
Fully refereed international
journal dealing with all aspects of geometry and topology and their
applications. Geometry and Topology is free to access to all users
in its electronic format.
Comprehensive trawl
of web sites offering free science publications.
of free On-Line full text articles and journals HighWire Press work
with scholarly societies and responsible publishers to host their
content online. They do not own the material, nor do they set the
journals' policies. HighWire contains over 439,456 free full-text
articles as of January 2003. HighWire Press at Stanford University
develops and maintains the Web versions of important journals in biomedicine
and other disciplines.
A Gateway to selected
Web sites of special interest to health professionals, medical library
communities, publishers, and NGOs in developing and transitional countries.
It covers General Resources (search engines, gateways, bibliographic
databases, abstracts, clinical trials databases, research networks,
dictionaries, glossaries, disease classifications, evidence based
medicine, full-text E-books, image collections, journals, newsletters,
medical education resources, news, useful email lists, and WHO sites);
plus Subject Index (e.g. Anaesthesiology, Basic Sciences, Dermatology,
HIV/AIDS etc.); plus Library and Publishing Support and Use of ICTs
(Information for Development, Internet Skills, Medical Informatics/E-Health,
Publishing Tools).
The prestigious peer-reviewed
journals of the Indian Academy of Sciences are available online free
to all users. The first issue of the Academy Proceedings appeared
in July 1934. Publications cover the physical sciences, life sciences,
physics, mathematics, chemistry, earth and planetary sciences, plant
sciences, animal sciences, and modern biology, materials science,
astrophysics and astronomy, genetics plus the journal Resonance, aimed
at improving the quality of science education and teaching. Access
to all of these journals is free and open to all users.
India’s contribution
in the areas of biomedical research and health care has been significant
and conforming to international standards. However, only a small fraction
of it is available for reference through international bibliographic
databases. In an effort to redress this imbalance, the National Informatics
Centre of India has developed INDMED. Initially this site offers access
to the tables of contents and abstracts of 75 leading Indian journals.
More journals would be added to the list as their quality improves
in coming years.
See also http://medind.nic.in/
for a one point resource of peer reviewed Indian biomedical literature
covering full text of IndMED journals.
The journals and newsletters
listed here all include at least a sample of papers or news items
that are freely accessible. Sites that simply provide the contents
lists of journals that are not freely accessible are not listed.
Provides an advanced
forum for chemistry, molecular physics (chemical physics and physical
chemistry) and molecular biology. Publishes reviews, regular research
papers and short notes. Encourages scientists to publish their theoretical
and experimental details in as much detail as possible - there is
no restriction on the length of the papers. Free to access to all
users in its electronic format.
The Journals of Biology
is a new international journal, published by BioMed Central, which
provides immediate open access to research articles of the highest
standard, similar to those published by Nature, Science or Cell. Unlike
the latter, all research articles published in Journal of Biology
will be permanently available free of charge and without restrictions,
ensuring the widest possible dissemination of the work.
The Journal of the
Indian Institute of Science was started in 1914 with the objective
of publishing quality research papers in science and engineering.
Research papers and review articles are selected through a stringent
peer review process overseen by the editorial board. The Journal is
a multi-faceted publication with content likely to be of interest
to research students as well as academic and R & D professionals.
Publishes papers
in all aspects of the biology of insects and other arthropods from
the molecular to the ecological, and their agricultural and medical
impact. An international journal published by the University of Arizona
Library. Freely available to individuals and institutions via the
Web. No cost inclusion of colour figures, videos, sound and large
data sets.
Provides an international
forum for the electronic and paper publication of high-quality scholarly
articles in all areas of machine learning.
Founded in 1999,
is the first international scientific peer-reviewed journal on all
aspects of research, information and communication in the healthcare
field using Internet and Intranet-related technologies. Free access
to all articles to all users, online. Full text content of the journal
is also available from Bioline International.
Journal of Postgraduate Medicine
A multidisciplinary quarterly
biomedical journal, is one of the oldest medical journals from India.
The journal is official publication of the Staff Society of Seth G.
S. Medical College and K. E. M. Hospital, Mumbai, India. The website
of the journal provides free access to full text of articles from
1990. Free access to all articles to all users, online.
Living Reviews in Relativity
A refereed solely electronic
journal offering reviews in all areas of relativity, including an
extensive reference database. Published by the Albert Einstein Institute
Max-Planck-Institute for gravitational physics in Germany.
MedicalStudent.com is described
as a digital library of authoritative medical information for all
students of medicine. It is meant to serve as a "pico portal"
for users interested in quality medical resources on the Internet.
Contains over 250 medical textbooks arranged alphabetically in topics
from Anatomy to Urology. Each textbook included is free to use, in
part or in whole.
An internet journal of synthetic
chemistry and natural product chemistry. Reviews, regular research
papers and notes are considered. Our aim is to encourage chemists
to publish as much as possible their experimental detail, particularly
synthetic procedures and characterization information. There is no
restriction on the length of the experimental section. Free access
to all articles to all users, online.
Multilingual Matters/Channel View Publications
Multilingual Matters is one
of the world leaders in research on multilingualism and minority language
rights. Multilingual Matters/Channel View Publications are offering
free electronic access to journals for institutional subscribers in
countries of "low human development" as defined by the Human
Development Index.
Namibian Government Department of Environmental Affairs
Range of publications concerning
a range of topics in Namibia including Desertification, Economics,
Impact Assessment, Pollution & Waste, Legislation etc.
NASA Astrophysics Data System
The Astrophysics Data System
(ADS) is a NASA-funded project that provides free access to over 300,000
free full-text articles in astronomy and astrophysics. Most of the
major astronomical journals are included. In many cases articles published
in the current year are not available through ADS. Articles are available
in PDF, GIF, or other electronic formats.
National Information Service for Earthquake Engineering (NISEE)
Based at UC Berkeley, this
is an online collection of abstracts, reports, books, slides and images
free to access. Large selection of software programmes available for
free download.
National Technical Information Service (NTIS)
The US Department of Commerce,
National Technical Information Service (NTIS) has begun electronic
delivery of all its reports dating to 1997. Reports numbering fewer
than 20 pages are free; those over 20 pages are $8.95. The scanned
reports appear in Adobe PDF.
New England Journal of Medicine
The New England Journal of
Medicine is available to over 60 countries (listed on their web site)
under its "Access for Low-Income Countries" program. Users
from these countries will be recognized automatically by their IP
addresses and allowed access to full text without charge.
New Journal of Physics
New Journal of Physics is
co-owned by the Institute of Physics and Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft,
and is supported by a growing number of physical societies around
the world. NJP is available without charge to readers and is funded
by article charges from authors of published papers.
Public Library of Science (PLOS)
A non-profit organization
of scientists committed to making the world's scientific and medical
literature a public resource. PLoS currently plans to begin publishing
two new journals - working titles PLoS Biology and PLoS Medicine -
publishing the best peer-reviewed original research articles, timely
reviews and commentary. The PLoS journals will retain all of the important
features of scientific journals, including rigorous peer-review and
high editorial and production standards, but will use a new publishing
model that will allow PLoS to make all published works immediately
available online, with no charges for access or restrictions on subsequent
redistribution or use.
POPLINE Database
POPLINE, the world's largest
bibliographic database on population, family planning, and related
issues, is now available free of charge on the Internet. All 280,000
citations, representing published and unpublished literature, can
be accessed for no charge at: http://www.popline.org
For those in developing countries who may have limited access to the
Internet, POPLINE will continue to distribute POPLINE on CD-ROM to
over 950 sites twice a year. For more details about this service go
to: http://www.jhuccp.org/popline/popcd.stm
POPLINE Digital Services also provides full text documents of many
of its abstracts in the database at no charge for readers in developing
countries. Full-text documents are only available if the information
is not available locally, is not a commercially published book, and
is less than 100 pages in length. POPLINE sends full-text documents
as an e-mail attachment in Adobe Acrobat format or by mail.
A refereed international,
interdisciplinary electronic journal sponsored by the American Psychological
Association (APA) and indexed by APA's PsycINFO and the Institute
for Scientific Information. Psycoloquy publishes articles and peer
commentary in all areas of psychology as well as cognitive science,
neuroscience, behavioural biology, artificial intelligence, robotics/vision,
linguistics and philosophy.
Ptolemy Project
A research partnership
between the Office of International Surgery at the University of Toronto
and members of the Association of Surgeons of East Africa (ASEA),
combines the provision of access to high quality electronic health
information with a process to evaluate its impact for the participants.
It aims to answer the question, does access to full-text health information
have a positive effect on surgical practice, teaching and research
in East Africa.
PubMed, a service of
the National Library of Medicine, provides access to over 12 million
MEDLINE citations back to the mid-1960's and additional life science
journals. PubMed includes links to many sites providing full text
articles and other related resources.
The U.S. National Library
of Medicine's digital archive of life sciences journal literature
claims to offer open access to over 80,000 articles from over 100
journals. Access to much of the full text on PMC is free and unrestricted.
A journal may make its content available in PMC as soon as it is published,
or it may delay its release in PMC for a specified period after initial
publication. Current PMC journals have delays ranging up to two years,
with most releasing their material six months or less after publication.
Project Gutenberg
This project digitises
books which are in the public domain and puts them online free of
charge. It was founded in 1971 and has so far published 7,500 e-books.
PubMed Central
PubMed Central is an
open access web-based archive of journal literature for all of the
life sciences. It is being developed by the National Center for Biotechnology
Information (NCBI) at the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM).
Royal College of Psychiatrists (UK)
The Royal College of
Psychiatrists allows free access to the online full-text version of
its three journals ('British Journal of Psychiatry', 'Psychiatric
Bulletin' and 'Advances in Psychiatric Treatment') to 75 different
developing countries.
SARA - Scholarly Articles Research Alerting
A special email service
designed to deliver tables of contents for any Taylor & Francis,
Carfax, Routledge, Spon Press, Martin Dunitz or Psychology Press journal.
This service is completely free of charge, all you need to do is register.
A good descriptive
inventory of databases that produce lists of citations to scientific
literature, and which are freely accessible. In addition to the major
free databases such as UnCover, Agricola, Medline, etc. it also includes
searchable databases from learned societies, government agencies,
electronic journal publishers, and various discussion groups-all freely
The objective of
the site is to implement an electronic virtual library, providing
full access to a collection of serial titles, a collection of issues
from individual serial titles, as well as to the full text of articles.
The access to both serial titles and articles is available via indexes
and search forms.
TerraLib is a GIS classes
and functions library, available from the Internet as open source,
allowing a collaborative environment and its use for the development
of multiple GIS tools. Its main aim is to enable the development of
a new generation of GIS applications, based on the technological advances
on spatial databases.
A cluster of databases
on toxicology, hazardous chemicals, and related areas with free to
access abstracts plus links to a range of related NLM sites.
The UNESCO catalog
lists over 100,000 UNESCO documents and provides access to the full
Water Resources Abstracts
Compiled from several
sources for USGS abstracts on the subject of water resources since
1977, plus some earlier abstracts. The method of submitting and collecting
abstracts was not foolproof and, therefore, this is not a complete
set. The information you find here should be augmented with other
methods of search such as Water Research Abstracts
World Development Sources (World Bank)
World Development Sources
(WDS) is a web based text search and retrieval system which contains
a collection of over 6,000 World Bank reports most of which are scanned
and are available in imaged format, which you can access via a web
browser and search through a multi-field search engine. These include
Project appraisal reports, Economic and Sector Works, Evaluation reports,
studies and working papers.